Hi there! Bienvenidos

I am Jeanette Garcia, a Filipina currently based in Madrid as a Language Assistant and in this site I document my travels, showcase my writing and share my insights and ideas (on the rarest chances when I do have some).

Sometimes I like to think I can take people to places or that I can spark an idea or share a smile or a chuckle by giving people a bit of a sneak peek on the highlights of my most normal mundane life.

So thank you for visiting and I hope you stay to keep following me on my adventures!

my story


Straight from the busy streets of Manila and the hustle of UP Diliman college life to breakfast tea mornings with tapas and occasional churros of a Language Assistant in Madrid – hola y buenos días a todos!

I am currently raising five perfectly healthy cacti and several succulents in the quaint little city of Alcala de Henares. Lighter days outside of a busy work schedule are usually spent watching movies and series or going on day trips – but most of all my classic favorite is walking outside on orange velvet afternoons and relaxing at home with a book and a nice cup of tea.

Featured entries


“In all shades of white and purple And orange was dandelion Until it was black…”

Follow my blog

This site is dedicated to documenting my everyday adventures as an educator, a student, a researcher, a traveler and a humble poet. Happy reading!

a reader’s note

To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”

The Rings of Saturn

W.G. Sebald
“Memories lie slumbering within us for months and years, quietly proliferating, until they are woken by some some trifle and in some strange way blind us to life”

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Milan Kundera
And perhaps there were yet more and more planets, where mankind would be born one degree (one life) more mature

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